Red McCombs Hyundai Northwest

Oil Change Service in San Antonio, TX

Oil Change Service at Red McCombs Hyundai Northwest

When it is time for a car, truck, or SUV to receive its next oil change, drivers can depend on the experts at Red McCombs Hyundai Northwest in San Antonio, Texas. Clean oil is very important for an engine to run smoothly, and when it is time for a change, drivers should schedule an appointment with Red McCombs Hyundai Northwest.

Why Do Vehicles Need to Have Their Oil Changed?

Motor oil lubricates the moving parts of an engine and helps to keep it cool. It also flushes out old contaminants that can cause harmful sludge buildups. With each mile a vehicle travels, the motor oil slowly gathers more and more debris, which affects the oil’s ability to do its job. Dirty oil can lead to poor engine performance, lower fuel efficiency, and even damage to the engine. Typically, the owner’s manual for each model will have specific recommendations about how often the oil should be changed. In many cases it will be around every 5,000 to 8,000 miles. Besides the mileage, there are certain indicators to look for that can be signs of bad motor oil in an automobile. These include smoke puffing from the exhaust pipes, knocking under the hood, or shaking or stuttering at stop lights. If a driver notices any of these problems with their vehicle they should schedule service at Red McCombs Hyundai Northwest in San Antonio, TX, at their earliest convenience.

Why Should People Have Their Oil Changed at the Dealership?

Many people want to change their motor oil on their own at home. But this is something that is done once every few months. The experts at Red McCombs Hyundai Northwest perform oil changes every single day. They have been trained and they can use their expertise for all vehicle maintenance needs.

Affordable Oil Change Service in San Antonio, TX

When a car needs an oil change, drivers should bring their vehicle into the service department at Red McCombs Hyundai Northwest in San Antonio, Texas. Expert technicians at Red McCombs Hyundai Northwest have been trained in car maintenance and repair, and they perform oil changes every day. In addition, they can handle filter changes, battery checks, tire rotations, and many other services. Customers can schedule service at their convenience or visit the dealership at 13663 I-10, San Antonio, Texas 78249. They will be happy to be of assistance any time.